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Old 2nd February 2020, 04:46 PM   #7
Keris forum moderator
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Originally Posted by Amuk Murugul
I choose the spelling system which best suits my needs. It gives uniformity and allows ‘freedom of access and movement’ within the Malajoe archipelago.
Amuk, i certainly respect your right to use "the spelling system which best suits <your> needs". That said, i really must point out that just about every time you do post with these anachronistic spellings they cause confusion and questions from our members. So it should be obvious to you at this point that what best suits your own needs only confuses a large part of our membership. In the past you have acknowledged this and i even remember you saying at one point that you would post in the more modern and understandable form. I guess you have dismissed that idea at this point. I am not telling you that you cannot continue using these spellings, but i do what you to clearly understand that it is often problematic for others when you do.
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