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Old 1st February 2020, 09:50 PM   #6
Amuk Murugul
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Originally Posted by jagabuwana

Are these part of your private collection or can they be viewed publicly?

I'm very intrigued by no. 3 - I've not seen this kind of handle before. Might you have other examples?

Also, why do you opt to spell using Dutch orthography? Is this part of the written form of "basa jero" that you've referenced previously?
Rampes …..

I always try to post examples from my family collection; thus not for ’public viewing'.

I am not sure what you mean.
The handle on '#1/3.’ is just a bajang handle, of which there are several in the collection(it’s only out-of-focus).
‘#3’ is just a staghorn handle.

I choose the spelling system which best suits my needs. It gives uniformity and allows ‘freedom of access and movement’ within the Malajoe archipelago.

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