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Old 29th January 2020, 09:18 AM   #66
Vikingsword Staff
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Exclamation Moderator's comment


I think this topic is close to exhaustion and we are approaching a struggle of wills without much data to back up whether the original subject of this thread is an ancient katar or something else. The blade certainly looks old and perhaps in excavated condition, although it is not too difficult to artificially age metal and create the appearance seen here. The only really remarkable feature is the U-shaped guard with a cross-piece at the end that might serve as a handle. Absent the protrusions beyond the hilt seen on usual katar, the subject of discussion does not resemble that weapon very closely in construction, nor (as some have pointed out) in its ability to be used easily as a "punch dagger."

It is clear, however, that not all symmetrically pointed blades are linked to the history of the katar -- a point that seems self-evident but has been labored somewhat in this discussion. Katar have been said to be made from broken blades, foreign swords and knives, and various other sources. That seems plausible to me.

I have no firm opinion one way or another whether this is actually a primitive "early" katar. Based on the weight of evidence, I think it probably is not a katar, but I don't know what else it might be. Every now and then we come across a mystery item and nobody knows what it is. This may be one of those times. Sometimes threads are resurrected months or years later with new information coming to light that solves the riddle.

At this point, let's wait for more data. I don't want to shut this thread down over petty disputes and have to spank the naughty boys responsible!

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