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Old 14th January 2020, 11:39 PM   #15
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,964

The badik hilt form seems to be associated by many people with the North Coast of Jawa, but the scabbard for these supposedly North Coast badik differs from Paul's, and they all seem to have various blades, most of the blades I've seen in ones attributed to North Coast have been re-purposed blades from keris and pedangs. I have also seen blades similar to Paul's blade mounted as keris in East Jawa.

My guess would be that Paul's is perhaps an old, but legitimate marriage, and all the components come from different places.

This type of silver work can be found originating from Surabaya, as well as other places in Jawa. I feel it is pretty well spread throughout SE Asia.
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