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Old 8th January 2020, 09:41 PM   #7
Fernando K
Join Date: Apr 2010
Posts: 670


In my modest opinion it is a recently built lock. The cat's foot has a strange shape, it is not the C-shaped cat's foot (cock) of Boutet's productions, or in "gooseneck" or in the reinforced, like some English weapons or the "chien a espalet" "of the French. The anti-friction wheel in the frizzen spring, the rain-proof bowl and the cock top are seen in fine weapons, be they dueling or sports, never in military weapons. It is known that Ottoman weapons copied European designs, so they find "rainproof". For me, brass or bronze was chosen because they are easier to work. It would be necessary to see the inside of the lock, to see if something is discovered

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