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Old 7th January 2020, 09:49 PM   #1
Join Date: Jan 2013
Location: Scotland
Posts: 340
Default American Boarding Axes

Hi all,

I am researching US boarding axes (1797-1860) with the aim of improving the current knowledge and identifying the variants.

So far I have had a great response from collectors in the US and several museums but I am still looking for more information - so if you have one of these axes, even if it is in relic condition or only the head, please contact me. I will respect your privacy.
I am mainly looking for markings/description and basic measurements and perhaps a photo if it's a variant that I don't yet have an image for.

In particular I am seeking more information on the following:

Boarding axes that are marked as made by the Navy Yards of Boston or New York.
Unmarked axes or ones that were made by manufacturers other than the US Navy.
1812 model axes with the solid dome variation - that is the langets are formed from one piece of metal forming a solid dome over the eye.
Any variant of what is often termed the TYPE II - shown in the middle in the drawing below.

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