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Old 25th December 2019, 08:48 AM   #6
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 746

No holes in the hilt of the short kampilan
In the sheath of the large kampilan I can see a little engraved.

QUOTE=Cthulhu]Nice examples!

Those are some elegant long spikes on the front, and great to have one with the horsehair intact.

The small one doesn't have any metal guard or even any holes where one would have been; is that a feature of Ilanun kampilans?

I like the detailing on the scabbard; is that painted/dyed into the wood, or is that carved? My kampilan's scabbard is faceted, but doesn't have any sort of decoration or detailing like that, just plain wood color, so that detailing on yours is really neat to see.[/QUOTE]
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