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Old 23rd December 2019, 01:43 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by kwiatek
The main inscription is, including the spelling mistakes that are typical on pieces of this type

لا فتا الا علي لا سيف الا ذا الفقار ما شاء الله

"There is no hero but 'Ali, no sword but Dhu'l-Fiqar. What God wills"

The date at the end is ambiguous, but my suggestion would be (سنة ٢٨٠(١ .

"Year (1)280 (1863-4)"

The Ottomans often omitted the initial one for a thousand, which I think is the case here. There is what could be a one beneath the main inscription, but I've never seen it placed there in that way.
So is that a shorthand then? Kind of like if I were to write 19' instead of 2019?
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