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Old 13th December 2019, 02:35 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by Victrix
Yes, this is interesting. I thought these house marks had Germanic origins but perhaps their use was fairly universal. Could this have Visigothic origins in Portugal? I guess the common denominator is that these symbols were used by illiterate people to identify themselves in the vernacular with the use of symbols. Not sure if the symbol in the first post looks particularly Germanic.
I would not venture that the symbol in Evgeny's sword has a connection with House maks; was only following your stream. Yes, the so called "siglas" are defined as a primitive proto writing, used by then illiterate locals, specially among the fishing comunity; even figuring in ledger books, in which the creditor had the debtor to recognize his account by checking his (name) mark, followed by the money values represented with rounds and strokes.
Whether brought by the Visigods or the Vikings, a current conviction, is hard to say; we have had countless races passing or staying over here.
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