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Old 5th May 2006, 06:53 PM   #5
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Thanks Vandoo,

I have also seen Kampilans collected mostly in Sulawesi and one in Sumatra.
And I also suspect that the Timor Klewang pict 272 in van Z is a Kampilan. It resembles a bit the one in Cato page 53.
All of the Sulawesi Kampilan had a more square hilt like mine.
But so has most of the Kampilans found in Borneo also.
The hang on has two wooden discs and I think the hair is from a horse.
It's the same kind of hair as those tufts that are still left on the hilt.
The design is the same at both sides and there is no signs of any break as far as I can see.
Also the square hilt, like mine, is quite common in European museum collections.

Below I have attached a resembling Kampilan from Museo Militar in Madrid.
That one is probably a war trophy from the "ex-Spanish colonial" 19th C Philippines?

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Last edited by VVV; 5th May 2006 at 07:05 PM. Reason: Forgot to answer one question from Vandoo
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