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Old 18th November 2019, 02:35 AM   #30
Join Date: Apr 2019
Posts: 144

Hi David,

I've watched the first 8 minutes of the video when they were discussing the 1 luk keris.

Basically what the gentleman (Bapak Heri Saptono) in the video said were:

- He was part of a FB group called: Keris Collectors Global Study Group

- At first he thought the Keris in question was Kuku Bhima

- But another gentleman in the FB group (Mr. David Sorcher?, he was not sure he spelled the last name correctly) pointed out to him that it was a 1 luk keris.

Guess we need to find this Mr. David Sorcher? so that he can explain more in details about this 1 luk keris.


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