Thread: Lest We Forget
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Old 10th November 2019, 05:33 AM   #2
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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I think of a very moving quote from the James Michener novel set during the Korean War, "Bridges at Toko-Ri", which was made into a movie in 1954.
The quote was by Admiral Tarrant, as he looked out from the bridge of his aircraft carrier and the F9F fighter jets were being launched, he said "...where do we get such men?"

Further "...they leave this ship and they do their job. Then they must find this speck lost on the sea. When they find it they must land on its pitching deck....where DO we get such men".

While clearly this quote is toward the men who piloted these jet fighters, the first line applies to all men who served, as they went to do their duty....and on this day.....especially to those who did so, and did not return.

With respect and gratitude, they will always be remembered.
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