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Old 2nd November 2019, 04:59 PM   #16
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I searched the word Ingelrii. The Annals of the Coinage of Britain and its Dependencies by Rogers Ruding mentions an Ingelri in a list of moneyers to Aethelred, Rex Anglorum.

In ancient Norse, Ing is the name of a god presumed to be fertility god Frey (gender neutral). Names were combined with Ing to place the child under the protection of that god, e.g. Ingrid, Ingvar. Ingela is a Germanic name.

Ingel is the word for angel in Old Frisian and Estonian (from German Engel).

The Angles (Old English: Aengle, Latin: Anglii, German: Angeln) were a Germanic people who settled in Britain in the post-Roman period. They originated from the Schleswig-Holstein area. This is the origin of the word England.

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