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Old 31st October 2019, 07:09 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by CSinTX
I like it! I assume the lighting was most of the cost? Have you considered placing the copper and brass pieces outside to allow them to age some? Maybe there is an accelerated chemical aging process that would work?
Egg yolk is good for tarnishing copper and silver alloys. It's naturally high in sulphur compounds.

"Liver of Sulphur" works even faster & has a nice pleasant aroma your family will love, and it lingers for your future enjoyment. Just a few drops diluted in your wife's favourite sauce pan will endear you to her forever. get the gel version, it lasts longer, the powder version goes off in a few hours exposed to air. If your family is of the rare ones that find the aroma not to their liking, you may want to use it outdoors.
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