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Old 31st October 2019, 06:04 PM   #1
Join Date: Sep 2019
Location: France
Posts: 208
Default Pedang Sasak Lombok

Hi everybody !
Here is another thing. A Pedang sasak from Lombok. Period of production is maybe early 19th. Blade without hilt is long (70cm). This one got some particularities :

-First : Pamor Dadhung (Lombok name) or Buntel mayit (Java), signifying corpse's wrapping cloth. Said to be a choosy pamor, meaning if it suits you, it will be hugely beneficial but if not or you're not strong enough for it, it may bring misfortunes. In Lombok, it's sign of luck. Many encountered in Keris, it's rare on a pedang.

-Second : the handle, called Garuda Mungkur. This one show clearly the face of the bird Garuda, when the others handles are really stylized. A indonesian friend said to me that, by seing the handle, he now understand the name. He suggest that the owner of the sword was maybe more Hinduist than Muslim.

-Third : The finish touch, called Sangling. It's a typical finish of Lombok or Bali, by finger stone polishing then warangan.

-Fourth : There is some holes along the blade, maybe for inlays (but sadly, they are not here anymore).

Hope you all enjoy it.

Have a good day,


(ps: thanks to my indonesian friend for the photos)
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Last edited by JBG163; 1st November 2019 at 07:32 AM.
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