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Old 28th October 2019, 01:40 AM   #4
Join Date: Mar 2016
Posts: 138

Originally Posted by JanskyS
There are relatively many "Ulfberht" swords, but supposedly only @20 "Ingelerii" swords. Literature usually leaves out the second "i" at the end. My question is: does anyone know of genuine swords with a variation of Ingelrii?

So, is the second most famous Viking sword "brand" not a maker's name but a status symbol or location...or are any variations fakes?
There are a good many more "Ingelrii" swords out there in museum collections. The exact number will depend on how much leeway you allow for variations! At least 35+ that I think no one would disagree they are deserving of the name. Some of these show that "Ingelrii" is indeed the maker's name as the inscription continues with fecit: ie. "Ingelrii made me." This kind of inscription can be found on many medieval artifacts and architecture.

One example that is generally considered a "real fake" (ie. a medieval imitation of the original brand) was found in the River Nene, and is inscribed with something like INGEFLRII on one side, and an equally mangled Ulfberht signature on the other.
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