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Old 27th October 2019, 04:25 PM   #7
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Location: Room 101, Glos. UK
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The spear head and haft, as well as the wire-work are Zulu, the butt spike & spiral counter weight are quite unusual for a Zulu item. Possibly a high ranking prestige item. Note the signature 'pinch' notches near the tang of the main blade. As I mentioned, an Ik'lwa like this doesn't have a long exposed tang.

Also, the wire wrap near the butt is not of the same high calibre as the rest, may have been added later by who-knows-who along with the weight and small spear-ish spike. Appears there are some stress cracks from the insertion of the spike tang there. Normally the wood would taper up wider at the butt so as to keep your hand from sliding up, as in my examples below (which have been cleaned and oiled). The two 'munitions' grade ones have a wrap of braided rawhide leather thong, they were likely for the more junior warriors. Zulu in the main got their weapons in tribute from conquered tribes.

...and spear/lance butt spikes are not there for digging, tho someone may have used it occasionally for that. They are a counterbalance, a secondary weapon and something to let you stick the spear into the ground with rather than dulling your weapon.
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Last edited by kronckew; 27th October 2019 at 04:45 PM.
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