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Old 11th October 2019, 12:34 AM   #27
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Kubur! You ARE good!!!!
Well done on showing this blade with 'Indian stars' (aka European cogwheels).

This blade has the distinct 'Indian ricasso', and as you point out these cogwheel marks configured in well known Italian arrangement.

Here is the deal. These 'cogwheels' are well known in Italian markings and often placed with other devices in motif on European blades. I am attaching (from Boccia & Coelho, 1975) some images of the typical conventions used in Italian markings end of 16th into early 17th c. They are North Italy of course.

Note the 'vesical piscus' ellipse in one grouping along with the cogwheels and the dentation on the ellipse. There is also an apparent affinity for images in roundels, such as the winged griffin as well as the winged lion of St. Marks.
While these images in roundel surround are shown, the cogwheels seem to be placed around or bracketing them.

The image of the man in the moon, which you have aptly emphasized, is seen in roundel (after the Italian fashion?) but on a German blade of c. 1630. This image is from the Wallace collection (Mann 1962).
Again, the inlay of gold metal in markings was a German favored affectation, but not saying not used in other exceptions, just in my opinion, not India.

In the case of this tulwar, could the marking arrangement have been copied in India....of course. But would the armorers gone to the added detail of 'latten' filled markings? It would be remarkably unusual.

In the case of the linear cogwheel marks shown in the tulwar, indeed I have seen these, but usually on khanda blades typically shown as 'firangi', that is with Italian (or other European) blade.
Attached Images

Last edited by Jim McDougall; 11th October 2019 at 12:45 AM.
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