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Old 29th September 2019, 02:02 PM   #15
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Bruno, i guess we all know this is not an original Tizona guard. Also we know there was only one so called Tizona, and that 'millions' were copied through time, thus creating a sword style. We were just wondering the purpose for this so sturdy (600 grams) atypical example being made following the Tizona style; construction perfection in comparison with early swords not being at stake.
But speaking of Tizona (originally Tizon) a sword that allegedly Diaz de Vivar was presented by King Yucef, this has been subject of experts considerations, with its XII century style hilt added in the time of the Catholic Kings period with a Spanish-Moorish period style blade. Maybe the Tizona chronicle has not yet ended.
... But this thread has had its purpose achieved.
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