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Old 19th September 2019, 08:25 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by mross
Excellent! Thanks. Brass inlay makes sense it, I did not think it was copper. So it looks to be around 1847 or so?

Just followed the link above and saw my sword at the end of the discussion. Cool. One point of interest, on mine it has two flys one is under the crossguard. That would make a pretty convincing argument it was made at the time the blade was made and before the cross guard was added. So a new question; How did these sword parts come together? Was a complete sword made in Solingen or were blades shipped to Africa to be assembled from local parts there?
Yes the blade is circa 1850. The guards were also exported it appears. There is a period French reference for this. The inlay is almost certainly local. So potentially the guard is European made. Very hard to say. The majority of guards seem to be locally made.
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