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Old 9th September 2019, 11:25 PM   #18
Amuk Murugul
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Default My Apologies

Hullo everybody!

Please accept my apologies.
At the time of posting, I had done some prior digging for more information on the object. However, I failed to find even a photo of anything similar to the article in question. So I could not make any really satisfactory judgement. It became a toss-up between southern Soelawesi and southern Kalamantan. As the handle most resembled that of a Bandjar hoeloe-boentoet, I took a punt on it and posted to shake the tree.
After posting, I did some more digging and found items which were very similar from southern Soelawesi. As a matter of fact, I found that Arjan had, within the last few days, sold a similar item (as posted by kai).
It appears that this particular hilt-style became ‘extinct’ by the 20thC. Also, such parangs are referred to by more apparently generic names as: alamang, dua lalan, la’bo’ to dolo, la’bo’ pinai, salapu, sonri, sudang, sumara, la'bo' bulange etc.; many relating to place of origin (la’bo’=sword).
So, at this stage, I am still none the wiser regarding the specific names of the hilts or the blades. Thankfully, Soelawesi is not within my area of interest.
It was a good exercise though.
Again, my apologies.

BTW Detlef,

I do not use the term ‘kerekoepang’ (=sun-dried mussels). I find it hard to believe that the 'old people' would’ve coined such a term for the parang.


Last edited by Amuk Murugul; 10th September 2019 at 12:20 AM.
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