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Old 9th September 2019, 09:05 AM   #1
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Default Spear with iron binding to retain head

Hi All

Finally got this spear, I put as new tread as I wanted to change title to reflect the spear.

Attached overall length 1.2 M spear with digging end and spear head.

What is unusual to me is that the tangs of both the spear head and the digging tool are bound in iron, v nicely done and forged to my eye but i am happy to be corrected.

Spear head is quiet sharp and again forged,
I am not sure how to describe the head but the 2 cutting sides are not in line but a central ridge has been forged to give a kink running longitudinally down the blade, to add strength i assume.

So has anyone got any ideas as to origin,

As it has a digging end would this indicate more hunting/foraging than fighting.

It has a lovely weight and balance to it and would throw and trust well I feel.


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