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Old 9th September 2019, 12:23 AM   #16
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 3,255

Hello Séverin & Detlef,

I sure can see where you're coming from!

However, neither the hilt nor the scabbard are really "typical" Toraja (especially the widening at the scabbard mouth which seems to be more a trait of Sulawesi Selantan).

Anyway, Banjar - a classic cultural melting pot - has seen a lot of influx from Gowa, especially, as well as other kingdoms and principalities on southwestern Sulawesi. Thus, it can be really tough to differentiate between imported pieces and those originating from there.

Having stipulated all that, I'd also like to hear from AM what positively identifies this style as being of Banjar origin!

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