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Old 8th September 2019, 12:10 PM   #3
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Thank you for your kind words, Will.
While i am not an expert either, what i can dare to tell you is that this being a pikeman 'half armor', that is, only composed of breastplate and back plate, a setup so called 'cossolete', without optionally extended faulds and tassets, to protect the upper thighs ... as we see no holes in the lower part for their fixation.
In some circumstances, they would wear a leather buff coat under the cuirrass, to make it more comfortable; this being however a luxury version, as these buff coats were more often worn as an outfit by nobles. Notwithstanding the fact that these could eventually be 'recuperated' by soldiers from the death in battle.
As it is recorded, the nuclear weapon was the pike, a sort of long lance with 3 to 6 meters length. These guys were part of regiments included in the so called 'terços', a term used both in Portugal and Spain, as their period army tactics followed the same formation.
Pikemen would also wear, when distributed, a morion or a cabasset ... or even a war hat, to protect their head.
The sword, i would say, by its historical encompassing timeline, was the cup hilted sword, in a basic but sturdy version.
All the above to be taken with a pinch of salt, as the use of uniforms and armament, in the period, was not strictly followed, as it depended a lot in stocks available; uniforms, for one, not being so 'uniform'.

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