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Old 4th September 2019, 05:02 PM   #14
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Hello Amuk,

May I ask you if you're referring to the swords which are known under the term parang kerekoepang? See for example here: & &

If that's the case I have some remarks. I ain't sure about the parang really being from Banjarmasin.
The scabbard is looking very similar to the scabbards we know from the dua lalan swords, the nearly complete wrapping with rotan and the horn foot. The handle show the bands with the typical wickerwork we used to see by Toraja swords. Could it be a parang from Sulawesi which has a similar handle style like we know it by the so called parang kerekoepang?
I've seen your post at this morning on my mobile screen and was by the first view already a little bit doubtfully.
Here some pictures fom a dua lalan from my own collection.

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