Thread: Damascus Kukri
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Old 3rd September 2019, 10:47 PM   #12
Join Date: Apr 2017
Posts: 67

Thanks, Battara. The silver bits in the design that contrast with the darkened steel areas constitute what I think could be classed as niello decoration, and they are, indeed, silver.

The residue that I mentioned is different; it looks a bit like old toothpaste in the small crevices (the deposits are not as easy to see in the image as I had hoped they would be). There are only a few places where these are visible, so they may not be residual decoration (perhaps they're just toothpaste).

The scabbard struck me as being unusually plain for this well-executed kukri. I would have expected something a bit more flash. Even the chape has been given the darkened steel treatment, though, so I believe it is the original scabbard. Here's a better view of what the face of it looks like.

This kukri measures 15.75" straight from the tip to the farthest end of the pommel cap. The grip is among the smallest in my small collection at only 4" on center.
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