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Old 3rd September 2019, 01:25 PM   #1
David R
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Default Percussion Coach Gun

On another thread there arose a discussion about Sawn-Off and other short barrelled Shot Guns.
Here is mine, bought last year at an Antique Arms Fair in the UK. I wasn't sure what I had bought at first, but the price was right and it was an attractive "Wall Hanger", a decorative piece and no longer functional. The consensus of opinion at the next meeting at the Royal Armouries was that it was made as a short gun, and fitted into the category known as Coach Guns. Not made as a hunting gun, but for defence from the drivers seat or the inside box of a coach. The defining feature was the made for purpose 18 inch 46 cm barrel.
It has had a hard life, and a lot of repairs and alterations. The lock was originally a flint lock, and there is a good likelihood that the stock is a replacement.
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