Thread: Yemeni sword
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Old 28th August 2019, 01:14 AM   #53
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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With reference to Ibrahiim post #51, in "Arts of the Muslim Knight" (Furissiya, ed. Bashir Mohamed, 2008) these two swords shown are most pertinent to examples he has posted.

The first (p.37, #8) is a Samanid sword of 8th-9th century. It is noted swords with these U shape scabbard mounts excavated at Pendzhikent in Transoxiana dating from 8th c. Wall paintings in this site also reflect these type swords carried by Arabic soldiers. Another guard from al-Rabadah in Arabia with similar features dates 8-9th c.

Next, (p.79, #43) shows an Omani sword of 17th-18th c. with these kinds of cuff type features being discussed and well known on these sa'if Yemani, or Ibadi battle swords of Nizwa.
It states, "...sword hilts of this general type were popular over a long period of time and their documented associations suggest they are ultimately based on dhu-l-faqar the Sword of the Prophet." While the reference suggests these are of imprecise origins, suggesting possibly Mamluk /North African origins , some claiming 15th c. it seems most likely these are Ibadi and of Nizwa origin.
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