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Old 24th August 2019, 10:34 PM   #6
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Originally Posted by drac2k
Thank you all for your comments! I am glad to be proven wrong on my belief that the short sword was for a child or a tourist.
In regards to the long sword, a possible indication of it possibly being a blade of European origin is the fact that the blade is unsharpened for the first 5.5" on both sides, as opposed to my other kaskaras that are sharpened the full length.
The tassel could be newer, but it was there in 1987 when the previous owner acquired it; even though I have never seen a blue one, I think that I might have seen a red one somewhere(or not)?
The 'cows head' stamp seems to have been pretty well known in the Sudan around the turn of the century, and like a good number of other markings (which Briggs also tried to determine associations for) their exact meaning is unclear. To the native perception there are a number of possibilities which we cannot adequately recognize, and must presume our own ideas of what they might have been.
I have the same marking on what has been seen as an Ali Dinar period kaskara, stamped in much the same place and character.
The stylization well known in many of these marks to me allows the possibility it 'could' be a rendering of a fly (Samuel Kull blades), but the potential for a cows head remains possible.
The tribal groups in the south did herd cattle, and there has been notable attention to cattle brands (MacMillan, 'Cattle Brands in Kordofan, 1911).

It seems that over the years we have thought that there were possibilities that Solingen may have been producing blades for the Sudanese market. It would not seem unlikely given the production of blades for Ethiopia at the time. I am not sure of the sharpening factor, but the fullering as noted by Ed has been relatively standard for centuries. The off center mark as also noted by Ed seems a strong indicator it was locally stamped. The use of punches long in use certainly played a notable part in the character of stamps as seen in the degenerated examples of 'dukari' over generations.

The blue tassel is curious, and have not seen that color, though red is well known and my example has a dark brown.
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Last edited by Jim McDougall; 25th August 2019 at 12:01 AM.
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