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Old 6th August 2019, 01:21 AM   #15
Join Date: Apr 2019
Posts: 102

I have benefited from poor descriptions (just recently picked up a incredibly early rare kukri that is 19th C not mid 20th thanks very much) but also watched on annoyed at what would seem to be a deliberate mistake - "ivory" when it is clearly bone or such like. Reverse that I recently inquired on a lovely UK auction tulwar with small accompanying scabbard knives - described as bone hilt knives and I asked the auction house to confirm this (looked ivory to me) and they came back oh yes ivory - i passed - could have been an interesting discussion with customs.

I have avoided the military weapons world where fake stamps and misrepresentations seem to be more common.

I think one has to know what they are buying. I'm making far better decisions now than even a couple of years ago. But some things are not visible in any image - I recently bought a kukri with scabbard from a UK antiques dealer and the scabbard had clearly been crushed at some point and was lets say flexible. This was not mentioned in any description but to me an important part of the condition not visible in any photo.

Don't really know Keris/Kris well but those small description "errors" could easily lead to someone shelling out more than they should. Seeing the term "silver metal" used.

Oh and many sellers photos are terrible and it is hard to get the full picture. I often have to ask for more and certain images.

I'm in Australia too and incoming international shipping is a real consideration in terms of price and just the hassle when auction houses don't ship or arrange shipping.

Last edited by RAMBA; 6th August 2019 at 02:09 AM.
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