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Old 4th August 2019, 02:19 PM   #9
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,964

True, but I say again:- I am not addressing the inaccuracy of description, I am addressing the naming of materials as materials of worth, when they are not materials of worth, in other words misrepresentation.

To know what precious metals and precious stones are they need to be tested, so if something is named as a precious metal or precious stone then that implies that it has been tested, but I have encountered numerous cases where silver plate or mamas has been named as silver. If it had been tested then it would be known that it was not silver. So what we have is either a lie or gross stupidity.

If the auctioneer has not tested, then he does not know what the material is and it should be made clear that he does not know. An opinion should be identified as an opinion, not as a statement of fact.
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