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Old 3rd August 2019, 09:42 PM   #2
Bob A
Join Date: Feb 2014
Posts: 435

Sadly true, Alan.

Above and beyond the above, the fees tacked on to the hammer prices, and the taxes, shipping and so forth can amount to a considerable overage. Depending on the cost and size of the item, one can conceivably increase the amount of purchase by 40-50%.

I'm coming to the conclusion that auctions based in other countries have a considerably increased risk factor. In the absence of a reliable buyer's agent in place, the chances of a pleasant outcome are substantially reduced. Further, you are at the mercy of a nation whose laws and customs are obscure to you, while the auction house is keenly aware of details that skew results in their favor.

That said, I've bought successfully from auction houses known to the members here; of course, here in the USA the issues involved in international transactions are not in play.
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