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Old 23rd July 2019, 07:31 AM   #2
Amuk Murugul
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Join Date: Feb 2007
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Default Three basic pieces just to share:

00. TilamOepih Lempeng (SandangWalikat, Tjorok)

Name: Sang Kamandaka
Desc: Doehoeng Tilam Oepih Lempeng PASIR LOEHOER
Char: Oepih-rai , Elis , Lempeng
Blade: LxOALxWxT=46x53.5x9.16x1.47cm.(paksi: 0.98x7.16x0.80cm.)
Handle: Wood, Ganaisia(lord of the ganadewatas) w/ white-metal wewer & yellow-metal seloet
Wt: 513g.
Sheath: Wood, Korakoran
Comments: SandangWalikat: worn over shoulder-blade; Tjorok: can act as backup sword .

01. TilamSari Lempeng

Name: Sang Sasaka Domas
Desc: Doehoeng Tilam Sari Lempeng SOENDA SEMBAWA
Char: Oepih , Elis , Lempeng .
Blade: LxOALxWxT=43x51x9.42x1.49cm.(paksi: 1.05x7.52x1.14cm.)
Handle: Wood, Ganaisia w/ yellow-metal seloet
Wt: 443g.
Sheath: Wood, Djongan

02. TilamSari Lempeng (Tjorok)

Name: Sang Banjaran Sari
Desc: Doehoeng TilamSari Lempeng TJAROEBAN
Char: Oepih , Elis , Lempeng .
Blade: LxOALxWxT=38x46x8.22x1.36cm. (paksi: 0.76x7.49x0.45cm.)
Wt: 274g
Handle: Wood, Babandolan(=tough, wild pig) w/ white-metal seloet
Sheath: Wood Saridjong w/ pressed white-metal o/sheath
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