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Old 18th July 2019, 07:54 PM   #2
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Default Addendum on the So Called Luristan

Attached image of the 'eared' form of these Bronze Age daggers with the paired discs.
While bronze daggers from regions in S.Azerbijian, Talish, Dailaman, Geoy Tepe, Hasanlu have been found in graves and finds they are not all of this form. There seem to have been varying hilts, but these discoid or 'ear' shaped pommels are most notable.

It is suggested they may have been status oriented or votive and have to do with religious situations (one was found in the Caspian Sea and thought to perhaps have been thrown in). There are scenes of gods of the Hittite pantheon c. 1300 BCE with daggers and similar hilts according to one reference.
In another case a miniature of one of these with paired disc pommel is noted as 'votive' further suggesting that attribution.

Returning to the original theme of this thread, does it seem possible that these ancient daggers may have inspired the eared type effect of the yataghan hilts of 17th-19th c. ?

Or, are these hilts more likely to have been influenced by the eared daggers of Europe in late Middle Ages to Renaissance?
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