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Old 15th July 2019, 11:09 AM   #14
David R
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Originally Posted by asomotif
Dear David,

seriously ? can you show me japanese or chinese carvings in this style ?

Best regards,
I know that a fair bit of carved ivory came from the Far East in the the 19th century, some of it made for export, and for items like parasol and walking stick handles. As such, they do not exactly match the products for domestic consumption. What I was going by was the skill in the carving, and the the use of staining to bring out fine detail. It would also explain why it is hard to decide on the exact subject, mouse, rabbit, hare or one of those less familiar beasties, such as the Ezo momonga, though the ears are a giveaway here.
However, I may be wrong, and I await your suggestion of the carvings origin with a fair bit of interest.
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