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Old 14th July 2019, 07:04 PM   #9
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Originally Posted by Jens Nordlunde
One can wonder why the stamps sometimes are in such a bad state, as they are supposed to mean 'European quality'.
Maybe the stamps themselves were worn, or the one who put the stamps on the blades did not care very much. Another question is, why the two stamps with the letters, are placed differently on either side of the blade.

If I may speculate, the notion of European 'quality' was likely much in the manner of many cultures who regard 'foreign' items and forms as 'exotic' or 'impessive'. It is well known that the Mughals were intrigued by European herbals and other such references, and ironically symbols and devices such as sigils and the like had filtered into European occult from Islamic sources.

Then much of this cross diffused back into the culture through the Mughals.
European blades of vintage were regarded as of well venerated quality, and I think possibly less than crisp or well placed stamped would suggest such character.

On the other hand, stamp dies did tend to deteriorate with use of course, and the resulting marks reflected this. This is seen in all manner of stamps in Europe as well as many others, and probably why makers changed and had auxiliary forms. In North Africa the dies for the well known crescent moons degenerated over years, to where the marks became almost indiscernible.

In antiques, it is of course well known that furnishings are often refinished with 'distressing' and discoloration or patina to give it 'character'.
A handsome Mughal sword with 'venerable' European blade would be highly desirable and auspicious, so Indian makers may have employed these markings accordingly to allude to such character.
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