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Old 14th July 2019, 12:28 AM   #1
Amuk Murugul
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Default PAKARANG KASOENDAN (Weapons of the Soenda)

Hullo everybody!
The following may be useful:

Pakarang Tjatoerangga, the four quintessential implements of the praboe(=warrior-noble) class.
Please excuse the poor-quality picture; it’s merely for simple illustration.
Referring from left to right:

1.Pedang Abet Pamoek (=leader’s sabre)
In this case:
Name: Ki Panoenggoel
Desc: Pedang Tilam Woewoengan SOEMEDANGLARANG 19thC .
Char: Djekong .
Blade: LxOALxWxT=58X69.53.04X0.83cm. Curved; Distal-taper.
Handle: Silver Toemang w/ ruby eyes.
Wt: 550g.
Sheath: Silver w/ embossed widjaja.

2.Golok (=bush-knife)
In this case:
Name: Ki Pamoengbang
Desc: Gobang Woewoengan TJIBATOE 19thC .
Char: Roeroentjangan , Djekong .
Blade: LxOALxWxT=51.5x66x3.95x0.72cm. V.slightly-curved; Distal-taper.
Handle: Horn tjeker-mentjek, brass-rivetted (3) to gagang, brass seloet.
Wt: 503g.
Sheath: Horn djamprak, brass simeut-meuting/daoen, brass bands(one w/ belt-ring) and sopal.
Comments: Gobang is a long golok kitted out as a sword, thus lighter but still functional as a bush-knife.

3.Doehoeng (=armorial/totem dagger)
In this case:
Doehoeng Panjinglar Bala (=wards off misfortune)
Name: Ki Rangga Panengah
Desc: Doehoeng Sampana Toempeng 13 Eloek SOENDA PAKOEAN .
Char: 13-eloek , Kembang-katjang , Kotjop , Widja , Oepih , Djanoer .
Blade: LxOALxWxT=35.5x40.5x8.77x1.51cm.
Handle: Wood, Laksamana(=Rama’s brother, known for his ‘magic line’).
Wt: 360g.
Sheath: Wood, Djongan w/ white-metal mouth & chape.

4.Peso Teundeut (=push-dagger)
In this case:
Name: Ki Panjeuhil
Desc: Peso Teundeut TJIKEROEH .
Char: -
Blade: LxAOLxWxT=22.5x34x1.93x0.71cm.
Handle: Wood w/ twine.
Wt: 153g.
Sheath: Steel w/ white-metal mounts.
Comments: Made by Ki Tanoedimadja, 1910.

It was brought to my attention that one may need the following refs.:

Attached Images

Last edited by Amuk Murugul; 14th July 2019 at 05:47 AM.
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