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Old 13th July 2019, 06:17 PM   #9
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Still think it's a fox. There are two Llamas in the field next to me, about 50 metres away as I type. they do not look anywhere close.

This little guy, A red fox, does...We also have a foxy visitor much like it almost every night, my dog wants to play with it. But not in a good way. It was about 20 feet away last night when I turned on my headlamp and saw it's reflective eyes, it came a bit closer to get to a path thru the hedges at the boundary just as poppy decided it was time to turn around, see it and get excited. Holding back a 25 kilo dog berserker intent on mayhem is not my favourite activity.


Added a photo of the neighbours, well, 3/5 of them. There is another horse and a black Llama I cropped out as I was trying to get a pic of Mr. Piggy. He has a set of tusks that would make nice knife handles.
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Last edited by kronckew; 13th July 2019 at 06:27 PM.
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