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Old 13th July 2019, 03:40 AM   #4
Join Date: Oct 2018
Posts: 10

Thank you both for your time and thoughts.

M ELEY, I believe you are spot on! In conducting a little internet research, I was able to locate a near identical sheath baring copper rivets, but housing I different knife than the one I have posted here and it was ID'ed as a: 'Indian Trade Knife'.

I'm not applying my knife is that of an Indian Trade piece, but at least I have something to go on as far as research. The animal carved atop the handle I can't really tell what it is/was to represent. It's face has been rubbed from age/wear and its features somewhat gone. Appears to be an owl(?), bat(?) or ???

Anyway, I'll travel down more of the the roads you've suggested in hopes of ID'ing this piece. To be continued.....

Kind Regards,
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