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Old 1st July 2019, 07:39 PM   #20
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Location: Room 101, Glos. UK
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Well, I've dissembled a bit. The sword was not yet in my hands before. It arrived to day from my actually remote dealer (), so I can post a bit more detail.

Sword is cool, obviously a weapon, It's a proper sword blade. Blade is springy, but not too much, and obviously been blued tho not decorated with engraving or gold. Has a few age spots. The blade has a butter knife edge sharpness with a central ridge to the foible, which appears to have a sharper edge, which I will sharpen a bit more for about 6 in. Guard is made in one piece and fitted precisely to the blade. It has some pitting & rust to remove. but not much. The brass grip balances the weapon about an inch in front of the guard, I found myself fingering the guard. It's just the right length so it doesn't hit the ground with a low parry.

It doesn't look GI, whatever government it's owner served, It appears to be a good blade for a walk around town where things might go bump in an alley, or for the bedroom if you have unexpected guests in your manor house or castle. Or a no nonsense duel. This sword will KEEL!

28in. blade, 3/4 in. wide at the guard, 3+mm thick at the ricasso which is about 3in. long before transitioning smoothly to the edge. the iron guard is 5 in. across, the bent bits about 4.5 in., 1/2 in x 1/4 in. where they join the central piece fitted over the blade which is roughly 1/2 x 5/8 x 1 1/2in. Brass grip is 5 1/4 in. long guard ti peened end. weight is 834 grams or 1.84 lb., so not a light weight. As noted before, the balance is 1 in. ahead of the pointy bit of the guard. One side appears to have something stamped under the short pointy guard thing which is not quite a languet, but it's mostly covered and indecipherable.

Can take more pics now if interested...
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