Thread: TULWAR
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Old 25th June 2019, 07:08 PM   #8
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Originally Posted by MForde
I've read that handles that look fairly long and spacious like this one are associated with Scinde - or is that a bit of a myth?

Beware those kinds of axioms, and there are many associated with Indian arms.
In most cases, late 18th into 19th is pretty much the standard period of most tulwars, with more discerning classification determined with in depth investigation.

The idea of these 'long' open hilts 'being from Sind, perhaps?'is noted from an illustration from the article "Swords of the Shazadas and Talpurs" by Peter Hayes, 'Connoisseur ' magazine Vo. 178, #717, p.177, Nov.1971. and addresses the Talpur tribes in Sind's preferences in weaponry. As indicated in dscussions in Apr. 2016, one of these was so noted as from Sind.

The bottom sword is perhaps in mind of your suggestion.

It is the bottom sword in the illustration.
Talpurs of Sind had a strong propensity for diplomatic exchanges and gifting of swords so many forms were involved. The open hilts (as here) I have always regarded as court or diplomatic types, so possibly that might be a factor.

These hilts were well present throughout Mughal held regions.
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Last edited by Jim McDougall; 26th June 2019 at 04:00 AM.
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