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Old 20th June 2019, 11:43 PM   #5
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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This Yemeni form seems to follow the 'karabela' hilt form in a more stylized manner (the left sword in the photo of three) which resembles the stylized trilobate silver repousse hilts of Hadhramaut (third photo).

The blade is of German trade blade form and the stars in configuration seems either a variation or interpretation of the Schimmelbusch maker group of 19th century. Similar markings with stars are seen on some of the so called "Zanzibar' nimcha blades as well.

The heavy, 'hatchet' point was favored throughout 19th c. in Arabia and into the early 20th.
Ive always considered these Arabian swords attractive and fascinating.

The entries on Schimmelbusch markings from Bezdek (2000).
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