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Old 20th June 2019, 07:47 PM   #1
Join Date: Jun 2013
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Default 3 Mystery Containers;Help !

I recently picked up these 3 containers at auction and I was wondering if anyone knew what they were used for. The first one, the rectangular porcelain one, I am assuming is Chinese(because that is what was written on the tag and that is $75.00, not $7500.00); it has an old reddish residue in it, so I'm wondering if had some connection to painting or calligraphy. The next container is porcelain over metal, and quite large, so maybe it was a container for tea or sugar. It has a picture of a whimsical Oriental man, so it could be Chinese for the export market or even Dutch. Lastly, there is a small porcelain over metal container that may have been used for snuff.
If anybody knows what I have, please share the information.
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