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Old 20th June 2019, 06:18 PM   #24
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Hello Alan,

Like you I've owned and handled several so called Co Jang, all I've sold, only the one I've posted is still in my collection since it's the best one I've had in my possession. Like you said, they come in many different qualities. Not one of them was similar to the sword in question.
Like I write in my first post of this thread: "All comments are very welcome!" and for sure I taken your thoughts to consideration but like Kai and Gustav I think that this blade originate not from Sumatra but from Sulawesi. Yes, the general shape is similar to a Co Jang blade but like Ian write in post #2 it also resemble to a Bangkung from the Moros and I am sure that we will find other blade shapes which will look similar.
And I agree with your statement: " This style of bifurcated hilt is usually associated with Sumatra, lots of stylistic variations, but in other places, including Sulawesi it is somewhere between rare and non-existent." This was the main reason for this thread and so I am curious to see pictures from the example Kai has in his possession.

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