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Old 17th June 2019, 08:55 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by A. G. Maisey
There is a Batak sword like this that has a hollow grind --- ie, concave blade face --- it has a name something like rudos, or rodos or similar. Over the years I've had several, and quality and detail varies a lot.

This style of bifurcated hilt is usually associated with Sumatra, lots of stylistic variations, but in other places, including Sulawesi it is somewhere between rare and non-existent.
Hello Alan,

I think you mean the so called rudus (a search here will show some examples), there are similarities but also a lot of differents. It's also called cojang see for example here:
I will take a picture from this one side by side with my cojang for comparison.
The hilt was the reason that I was unsure about the Sulawesi origin since I never before have seen such a hilt by a Sulawesi sword.

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