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Old 23rd April 2006, 08:47 PM   #11
Vikingsword Staff
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Here you go Steve ,
The buttcap I added to ; originally this spear came with the two dark metal sleeves you see in the picture . The end of the spear had been drilled to accept a butt spike which was missing . I got lucky and found one on ebay made from brass ; to completely cap the end I bought a vintage brass 10 Ga. shotgun shell and drilled out the center ; the shell just fit under the original sleeves and the spike then went into the hole drilled through the shell casing .
It seemed to me a nice way to finish off an obviously incomplete end for the spear ; all pieces are vintage and could have been found in the Philippines in the 19th C. making it within the realm of plausibility as a treatment for this spear .

The ferrule is a casting and would require either a talented machinist to fabricate from brass stock or would need to be made out of jeweler's wax and fabricated with the lost wax casting method .

This budiak also has a waisted haft that swells at either end where it meets the fittings .
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