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Old 23rd April 2006, 08:28 PM   #1
Tim Simmons
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Question I do not know where else to go---

This is not a weapon but it is a martial image and I am a little stuck. If the moderators do not like it they Know what to do.

I got this martial carved figure this morning at a car boot sale for a few pennies. It is West African, surely? What is it? It looks like a lime stick but do Africans take lime? Is the hole important? Is it a soldier in British service or German West Africa/SW Africa therefore WW1 era? The stripes are British?

In the pictures there is one shot of a spoon handle with what I have found out is a representation of a German East African Askari. In the British Museum there a couple of larger ones on display. Total length 365mm length of figure 155mm. Any thoughts would be helpful
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Last edited by Tim Simmons; 23rd April 2006 at 08:42 PM.
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