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Old 10th June 2019, 01:06 PM   #8
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,965

Yes, there are very few layers of pamor material remaining on this blade, it is heavily eroded, but if we look at the pamor nearest to the gonjo, those layers are not really the heavy layers that we find in ngulit semongko.

I feel that most people would probably give this as wos wutah (beras wutah), as they do with just about any random mlumah pamor that does not display the very broad bands of ngulit semongko or a manipulated surface.

Personally, I'm reluctant to give the pamor a name, it is too heavily eroded for me to guess what it might have looked like when it was new. I think I'd be happy enough just to give it as "random pattern", or "mlumah".
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