Thread: On the Flyssa
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Old 8th June 2019, 03:47 AM   #2
EAAF Staff
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If I remember this right, this topic was also briefly discussed in another thread, although I don't remember which one, and it was in another thread I think. I think it deserves its own thread, so thanks (or Zukran) Jim.

An even earlier influence might be the early Greek kopis, which I don't think ever really went out of fashion until the late 19c (i.e. the yataghan).

My question is how does one wield the Kabyle incarnation of this form? I can see the stabbing, but the chopping? - only to a point (every pun intended ).

This is another pondering that is different from that which I mentioned in the other thread.

Last edited by Battara; 8th June 2019 at 04:10 AM.
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