Thread: Khanjar Omani?
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Old 30th May 2019, 07:55 PM   #3
Bob A
Join Date: Feb 2014
Posts: 435

Khanjar, jambiyya :: tomato, tomahto

Whatever one chooses to call it, it's a very handsome piece. The nailhead decoration is well executed and attractive. The hilt looks like horn, but I can't really tell anything from the photo. Might even be rhino?

You will have to be the judge regarding cleaning/polishing, but I tend to lightly remove tarnish without getting extreme about digging into cracks and crevices. I've seen some completely black jambiya sheaths, and find them distressing. Making an old piece look new again is a bit insulting to my mind, but others will perhaps differ. I clean the projecting bits, and try to keep the item in an environment that slows or prevents further tarnishing.

I have an Omani khanjar that was presented to a British Lt Col by the Sultan; it is perhaps not terribly uncommon. I'd be curious to hear others' opinions on this.
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